Should we pray the Rosary?
Should we pray (to/with) the Virgin Mary?
'My Experiences and other Testimonies'
This page is not for arguments for-or-against as it is a matter of personal faith
I struggled with this in the past as well. My story is below. Many people and denominations do not subscribe to or include the Virgin Mary or the Rosary as an option within the Faith. My research and meditations with the Lord brought forth a truth to me that I am sharing here. I am only asking you to read through my material, and see what you think.
I broke it down into three sections:
My testimony, taken chronologically from my journal, current to past:
241129 I was on a spiritual warfare case in Minneapolis. Prior to driving down, I asked if he had any blessed or religious items in the house. He said he had the Rosary off his father's coffin. Prior to us coming, he found it. To his dismay, part of the body of Jesus had broken off the cross and there was a break in the Rosary. He put it in a jar so as not to lose any pieces. The day of our visit, he took the Rosary out of the jar to see if he could fix it, and to his surprise, the Rosary had no breaks in it whatsoever. It had become whole once again. The unique miracle was validated by his wife as she had seen it both before and after. We arrived shortly after. He showed us the Rosary, and we were able to validate that it was indeed all together again.
230626 After traveling out of state, I woke to the feeling of something unsettling near me. It felt dark. I prayed to the Lord to have the energy removed. I also asked Mother Mary to pray for me, and in an instant, she appeared in my peripherals. She didn't leave for nearly a half hour. Every time I looked out, she was still there. I called for the light of the Heavenly Father to burn off the residual of any bad energy I ran into while traveling, as well as cut any cords, and my entire body began to tingle. It lasted 3-4 seconds. I then had the thought to pray for different people I had met throughout the day, which I did. Then I meditated over the verses of Psalm 91 before peacefully falling asleep.
230621 I had been considering the purchase of a statue of Mary for several months. I almost took the leap several times but for some reason, I never did. While in South Dakota, we made a stop at the Fatima Shrine, to include a visit to the gift shop at the Carmelite Monastery. While there, a man walked in with a box full of items. He said that his MIL had recently moved into assisted living and they were donating her Christian items to the Monastery. On top of the box of items was a large statue of Mary. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. He saw me looking at it, and said: Take it; it's yours. So I did. We wrapped it in a fresh white sheet and brought it home. It is now on a shelf in our dining room, across from her son, Jesus.
230511 I had brought a newly blessed Rosary to my bedside as I had been struggling a bit in recent days, so I thought I would sleep with it near the bed (some put the Rosary in a cloth bag under their pillow). During my nightly prayer, I heard a growl near me. It came closer but then the growl quickly faded as if it had run off or had been drug off. I felt that the presence of the Rosary had helped to chase away whatever evil had come to visit.
220107 We got a call from a couple who was experiencing spiritual warfare. The strange happenings were causing a lot of fear for their family. They were a Christian family; that she said stated right away. The day of and prior to the investigation, I had just begun praying the Rosary as is custom for me before I go to help a client, when the phone rang. As a rule, I never stop praying the Rosary to answer the phone, but this time I had an incredible urge to pick up. So I did. It was the client. She said, I have been trying to muster the courage to call you for three hours. I’m not sure how to say this, but here it goes. We are strong Christians, but we are struggling with how the Virgin Mary and the Rosary fit into the picture, and we would appreciate it if you would not use them in the healing of our home. I didn’t mention (right away) that I had been in the middle of praying a Rosary on their behalf at that exact moment. That night, we arrived at their house. The first thing we did was take a tour of the place. We were in the master bedroom. She said she felt unnerved, uncomfortable and didn’t sleep well. I noticed an old box on the dresser on her side of the bed. I asked what was in it. She said she wasn’t sure. It belonged to her grandmother and she hadn't sorted through it. She opened the lid and reached into the box. When she pulled her hand out, a Rosary was wrapped around her fingers. She was speechless. She had no idea it was in there, but said it must have belonged to her late grandmother. I am not sure if the family’s feelings have changed, but when I talked to them last, it was on their mind. I told her that I had been praying the Rosary when she called. She agreed there were a lot of unexplainable things that happened. I personally felt that her grandmother as well as the Virgin Mary were there with us that night, praying. The family and home has been much more peaceful since that night.
211011 There was a fellow from New York who was an ordained minister. He contacted me because something evil had moved into his house. In his words, the situation was out of his control. He had a genuine fear for his life. After working with him two times over the phone, I sent him a package. The package took forever to get there. It was as if the evil one was keeping it from arriving. But eventually it did. Inside the package were a blessed Rosary, blessed sage, and a blessed image of Jesus. He responded back to me shortly after he received the package: 'Since I received your package and brought them into my home, I can only say thank you. For the first time in a while, it’s been quiet here.'
210830 I have had a few conversations lately, as well as have run across articles online, that indicate it is wrong to pray the Hail Mary, and that Mother Mary and the Rosary are only for Catholics. Some suggest it is a sin to pray with Mary in mind. I did more research and the topic became even muddier. I knew in my mind that I wasn’t praying to Mary like she was some type of God or idol; I was just asking her to pray with me or for me. As it is said, wherever there is more than one, Jesus will be there, so if Mary and I pray together... Oh, I had so many thoughts and questions. I was confused. So I prayed and asked Christ to guide me. Then last night, I woke and I couldn’t get it off of my mind. My frustration at not having a direct answer caused me to spiral downward in my thoughts which lasted over an hour. In an attempt to conclude so I could just get back to sleep, I told Christ that I would stop all prayers immediately which incorporated the Virgin Mary unless He told me otherwise. I kid you not. It was within seconds that I felt energy inside me. It began at my heart and pushed out to the rest of my body in a snap. Then I heard a male voice say with a touch of distress: “I thought you loved me.” It was Jesus. I do love you, I screamed, in my head over and over, I do, I do. I prayed for another hour while apologizing for my weakness. Ever since, I have not questioned my love for Mother Mary, praying the Rosary or praying the Hail Mary.
210822 I met a man at the Queen of the Holy Rosary Shrine in Wisconsin. After a short conversation, he told me he wanted to show me something. He pulled a Rosary from his pocket and held it out in front of me. He said, this Rosary chain used to be silver, but one night, after praying the Rosary at the Marian apparition site, the chain turned to the color of gold. Indeed I was able to verify that the chain links on the end of each section were gold in color, while the center links were a rose gold. Upon returning home, I researched this phenomenon, and found that this miracle has happened at other locations around the world, including at Portsmouth, RI, where 50 different people reported their rosaries had changed from silver to gold during the same time period. One woman claimed the color of her Rosary chain turned from silver to gold within a 15 minute period. Some will say it is just tarnished from use, but there are far too many testimonies out there claiming otherwise.
210809 Shortly after praying the Rosary in my office, I felt the presence of something or someone who was very holy. They were so warm; it felt as if I would melt right into them.
210713 I say the Rosary at least once a week, especially before I head to a client to help them. On the way to a clients today, I said the rosary and asked how I could help this woman who had been troubled so by dark entities. I was shown a water spout that was leaking bad water upon the woman, and an angel who would help turn the handle of the spout so the flow of bad energy would quit spilling on her and continue to flow straight through to its destination. Upon getting there, I talked with the client for about an hour, and during that time, I asked the angel to close the spout. Update: This woman is doing much better now.
210513 I was feeling horrible all day and didn’t know if it was physically sick or supernaturally sick. I prayed the Rosary, meditated, prayed some more and that went on for over 30 minutes. During that time of prayer, twice I felt a presence from the Light come and ‘tap’ me, so to speak, and each time it did, I felt a little better. When I got up, I was nearly normal other than feeling a little tired, but the dark and negative energy was gone.
210505 A woman called me the night before and said she hadn’t slept for two nights straight and was in dire straits. She also commented that her Rosary had disappeared. I made an urgent run to her home today, and within minutes of being there, I had a supernatural guide lead me to where the Rosary was located. I went to an old jewelry box of hers. I looked inside and found the Rosary right off. The client said she had already looked there, and added that it was definitely not where she would normally keep it.
210209 I was meditating after a daily Rosary. In a vision, I saw myself stepping out of our travel van. It was mid morning, and we had driven late into the night. There was a large crowd of over a thousand people gathered and praying on a large hillside, their gaze toward the top of the hill. As I scanned the crowd, there were so many that their faces appeared blurred. Then I saw one clearly defined face mixed in with the crowd. She had been praying as well, but was now looking toward me. Her presence was humble and beautiful in words that our language cannot describe. It was the Holy Mother Mary. Seeing her face brought tears to my eyes instantly. How did I know it was her you might ask? Because when those of the divine present themselves to you, their identity becomes known to you. There is no introduction needed.
210205 While helping a family dealing with a potential spiritual warfare situation, I laid down on the daughter's bed where the dark energy seemed to be focused. It wasn't long before a very rancid smell took over the room. The only words to describe it is a mix of skunk and onion. I could feel the energy shift and I was becoming nervous and filled with anxiety despite these are not normal feelings for me. It was time to pray. I said a number of Our Fathers and Hail Mary's. Within ten minutes, the horrible smell sucked out of the room and it was replaced with the most splendid aroma of flowers. Without a doubt in my mind, I associated that scent with our Mother Mary. She had come to help.
200216 We were doing a paranormal investigation at a small hotel in Annandale. Though the main floor restaurant was open, the hotel on the top two floors were closed for business that night. I was setting up video camera equipment on the south end of the third floor when I felt something underfoot. I reached down and picked up a Rosary. I thought, what is the chance? I went down to the first floor, and was handing the Rosary to the hotel manager to put in the lost and found when one of my investigators calls out, that looks like my Rosary. I told him I found it on the south end of the third floor. He told me that his Rosary was in a zippered pocket in his backpack, which was currently locked up in his hotel room on the north end of the second floor. We went upstairs and verified that his room was still locked, and his zipper still zipped shut, but when he opened it, the pocket was empty. The Rosary I had found was definitely his Rosary. How had that Rosary moved that far and why was it delivered to me? Because there was someone in the hotel, a deceased person, who was looking for help.
Words and Testimony of Saints and Christians on the Rosary
• Never will anyone who says his Rosary ever day be led astray
- Saint Louis de Montfort
• Love the Madonna and pray the Rosary, for her Rosary is the weapon against the evils of the world today
- Saint Padre Pio
• In any walk of life, there is going to be ups and downs, and what is going to sustain you in down times? That’s why, for me, the Rosary’s been a very strong tool (
- Actor and TV host Matt Gallant
• The holy Rosary is a powerful weapon. Use it with confidence and you’ll be amazed at the results
- Saint Josemaria Escriva
• I’ve said the Rosary throughout many different times in my life; you’re saying the same mystery, but at different times in your life, it speaks to you in a different way (
- Actress Sam Doumit
• I’m very fond of the Rosary. It had great meaning in my life. I’ve become known as The Rosary Dispenser because I leave rosaries wherever I go (
- Actor Martin Sheen
• The Rosary is a powerful weapon to put the demons to flight and to keep oneself from sin
- Pope Pius XI
• No one can live continually in sin and continue to say the Rosary. Either he will give up the sin or he will give up the Rosary
- Bishop Patrick Boyle
• Among all the devotions approved by the church, none has been favored by so many miracles as the devotion of the most holy Rosary
- Pope Pius IX
• The Rosary is the most excellent form of prayer and the most efficacious means of attaining eternal life
- Pope Leo XII
• Action: This athlete is known to carry a rosary in her training bag (
- Decorated Olympic Champion Simone Biles
An apparition of Our Lady has occurred many times around the world, and during those times she was either seen with a Rosary upon her wrist, or has encouraged those who saw her to say the Rosary:
• Lourdes, France, appeared in 1858 – Rosary hanging from her wrist
• Fatima, Portugal, appeared in 1917 – Rosary hanging from her wrist, and said, Pray the Rosary every day to obtain peace for the world and the end of the war (WWI)
• Banneux, Belgium, appeared in 1933 – Rosary hanging from her wrist
• Heede, Germany, appeared between 1937 and 1940 – She said, Pray often, especially the Rosary
• Akita, Japan, appeared between 1973 and 1981 – She said…Each day recite the prayers of the Rosary…
• Cuapa, Nicaragua, appeared in 1980 – She said, Pray, pray, my son, the Rosary for all the world. Tell believers and non-believers that the world is threatened by grave dangers. I ask the Lord to appease His justice, but, if you don’t change, you will hasten the arrival of the Third World War.
• San Nicolas, Argentina, appeared between 1983 and 1990 – She said, The weapon that has the greatest influence on evil is to say the Rosary.