250204: Peace in Christ
250117: Always be humble before God
241223: Our Savior is near. The time of baptism is now
241203: Prayer is always good
241117: Thy prayer begets Thy will
241007: Prayers to the Lord bring light upon the earth
240919: Just ask me
(Asked the Lord how I might help heal a woman who has been disabled for a long time)
240910: The gifts from God are always there; Prayer helps us to see them, to know them, and to understand them
240823: For the love of God, we should wake & live each day
240812: Ask Jesus
240807: Amber...Feed you fish
(Amber-God's glory & presence; Fish-symbol of Jesus & immortality)
240724: They didn't know Him (God)
240611: Before long, times will be tough
240521: You should not dwell over your happiness
240516: What churches will come to Christ
240515: God is watching
240421: There's a lot of struggling people; keep Jesus in their heart
240407: They are taking a break from God
(to which I replied: Never)
240223: I assure you; whatever church has people in pews that believe in me, I am there
240124: Those who make room for Christ in their lives, will have a room in Christ for eternity
240101: God loves all humanity
231214: From heart to heart, we share the love of God
231206: We are in the land of God. Our God is the God of love.
231204: The little ones; they just cross
231126: The Key to the Book (Bible) is Jesus
231121: I do not concern myself with darkness. I will consume more of it than it will ever consume of me.
231031: All must come forth with a good heart
231006: Stay warm, keep busy, and definitely, keep praying
230913: Aim for God
230813: Time of Redemption
230705: Peace and love for our universe through Jesus Christ
230630: A relationship with God need not be complicated, but it should be consistent
230501: The more you look for Heaven; the closer you will get
230501: He wants all of you, at the top
(While praying for lost souls to find the Light)
230305: People are not utilizing enough of the higher frequency energy that is available to make positive life experiences
(Expressed my thoughts to my Guardian Angel concerning writing an article on Angels)
230114: Nigh, there will be tears; (*) hold Jesus in your heart until the very end
(Night meaning: Near the end. * to obtain everlasting life)
230112: Love God, and you will know God's Love; a love that has never left you
221224: I am always coming (to you) with my Word
221210: Never Practice an Old Life when Bended at the Knee
221117: Set your mourning aside and pray, pray, pray for their eternal peace
221115 Keep smiling; remain happy, be positive
221018: Only through God, do we know mercy
221016: Through Jesus Christ, your heart is blessed
221002: If you saw Jesus...
220918: You woke in the love of Jesus; it's a beautiful place to be
220912: Don't get wrapped up in discussions on the Bible; get wrapped up in the Truth
220820: A suggestion: Help those who are scared
220808: The Prince of Peace is calling you; the King of Kings is on His way
(I had recently finished praying the Rosary)
220618: Gods Will, be done
(This statement came to me in Georgia, and on several occasions recently)
220607: Within Me, an orchard / its torture
(Both endings were said simultaneously but with different interpretation)
God saves you 10,000 times---on a good day
20220601 / Noon thirty / Church pew, during service / Voice in thoughts
Oremus (Let us pray)
20220527 / Middle of the night / Home, in bed / Voice in thoughts
Justice for the Good
20220530 / Middle of the night / Home, in bed / Voice in thoughts
One of you will know harrow, while the other will not
20220514 / Daybreak / Home, in bed / Vision
(Harrow-to be mocked or taunted, experience pillage or plunder, to be distressed)
You will always find your way with Truth and Prudence
20220403 / Daybreak / Home, in bed / Heard voice
The Sacred Heart of Jesus
20220321 / Middle of the night / Home, in bed / Voice in thoughts
Your journey is a very long one
20220311 / Early morning / Home, in bed / Voice in thoughts
Continue to share the message that He is the Way and the Truth...
20220223 / Middle of the night / Home, in bed / in a dream
Interesting note: This was in the reading at church that I attended later that day
Go straight through to God the first time
20220126 / Middle of the night / Home, in bed / Voice in thoughts
All children should be sent to Heaven
20211229 / Middle of night / Home, in bed / Voice in thoughts
Jesus was not only born in the flesh on this earth 2000 years ago; he is born into every heart there ever was, every heart there is and every heart there ever will be to come
20211206 / Bedtime meditation / Home, in bed / voice in thoughts
The knowledge is already in your garden
20211202 / Middle of night / Home, in bed / voice in thoughts
(Struggling with my thoughts, I asked God to guide me.)
Keep a straight line; it's almost finished
20211018 / Middle of night / Home, in bed / Heard voice
My Son
20210928 / Bedtime / Home, in bed / Heard voice
(During prayer, I asked God how to help a friend struggling with an illness and couldn't seem to get well)
Ajudification -The act of adjudication; judgment
20210920 / Morning / Home in bed / voice in thoughts
(Vision: Thousands of people in the sand. I was told they were waiting at the gate. When I asked what they needed, this word was said)
The Word of God is our heartbeat
20210731 / Middle of night / Home, in bed / Heard voice
(I had returned late from helping a troubled family. I woke from sleep after having two dark dreams, and was praying for strength)
Read from the Bible
20210728 / Middle of night / Home, in bed / Heard voice
(In the past few days, I had been listening to gospels 'not' in the Bible, was this a message for me to focus on the Bible and not worry about other such writings?)
The Lamb: King of Kings
20210615 / Middle of night / In travel van in a church parking lot, in bed / Heard voice
(After being woke by bad energy; removed it and then facilitated cross over for spirits)
The 'Lamb' of God upon us
20210608 / During morning prayer / Home, in bed / had words changed
(I asked Jesus for a sign; during prayer when I usually say, the Light of God upon us, my words changed to, the 'Lamb' of God upon us
It's all about Jesus; that's how we get to God
20210605 / Prior to falling asleep / Home, in bed / Heard voice
(I believe this was a spirit that was crossed over during a healing about two hours earlier; he said the words with great revelation)
(I am) the Lord God, (I am) the method of truth
20210508 / Middle of night / Home, in bed / mix of voice and thoughts
(Came after a spirit visit; the spirit showed me family abuse that had occurred; I told the spirit to confess openly to God; cause He knows)
When we see Jesus, we will see the color of our heart (not the color of our skin)
20210507 / Morning / In my office working / came in thought
The Truth is coming; the Light is coming
20210504 / Started at midnight / Home, in bed / mix of dream, visions, voices
(I saw a dried up well in a dark place, but the old well would gush with water soon)
I am the Father; this is My Son
20210426 / 3 AM / Home, in bed / Heard voice
20210423: Believe God
210421: It is time to take immediate action to save souls
They are asleep
20210412 / Middle of the night / Home, in bed / Heard voice
(After visiting Minneapolis, my visions filled with lost souls. A voice said, God INRI. I prayed they would cross into the Light. A voice said, They are asleep.)
20210405: Blessed be the worship we give to our Father; may it be of the highest magnitude
There is so much room in the Light for those who love each other
20210322 / Middle of the night / Home, in bed / Came in vision, in song
(Heard these words after praying the Hail Mary; click on red title to read the whole story!)
> Expiation
20210320 / Early morning / Home, in bed / Came in prayer that lifted me into my spirit
(Divine Redemption: God's deliverance of mankind from the evil of sin, and His restoration of man to a state of Grace thru divine love)
(Expiation: the act of making amends or reparation for sins)
In these days, it is so easy to be fooled by all the voices, look to God for the answers
20210226 / Morning / Home, in bed / Came in thought
It will happen at the drop of a dime
20210216 / Middle of the night / Home, in bed / Came in thought
(Also indicated in same thought, there is a lot of work to be done)
The Lord doesn't hear them say thank you
20210209 / Toward morning (4 am) / Home, in bed / Heard voice
(The voice was a boy 9-12 years of age; had seen boy in dream at the time the voice was heard)
210207: Keep the purpose of Jesus, of God, noble (righteous)
> Thank Jesus, anyways
> Make God the reason
20210205 / Toward morning / Home, in bed / Came in thought
(The first included thoughts about thanking Jesus for the little things in life)
(The second included thoughts about planning to include God in all you do as an action; not just a thought)
(I) give to man the image of our Lord
20210202 / Middle of the night / Home, in bed / Heard voice
(I had been asking if having images of Jesus in the home was OK)
Your sins are forgiven
20210128 / Middle of the night / Home, in bed / Heard voice
(Had confessed sins from the day, prior to going to bed)
For those with fear, pick up your faith stick and follow Jesus
20210120 / Right before bed / Home, in bed / Came in thought
(Perhaps a homograph meaning get your faith to stick vs. only using it when you need it)
God is absolute
20210120 / Middle of the night / Home, in bed / Vision during prayer
(No matter how ugly the earth gets; God is there, steady and true, unmoved)
210108: I will come down to get you; I will gather you all...
210103: Jesus Christ Delivers...
210102: Put your hand in Jesus' (hand)
Put the Light between you and sin
20210101 / Morning / Home, in bed / Came in thought
>Holy Affliction -A persistent or mysterious pain or distress
>Dereliction -Those who become derelict from the grace of God by their choice
20201228 / Middle of the night / Home, in bed / Words in a dream
(Dream: Visited Mother Teresa in the Heavenly realm; read full story by clicking here
Are you ready to do it right?
20201223 / Morning / Home, in bed / Heard voice
(Immediately following dream; read full story by clicking here
There's nothing more beautiful than playing for God himself
20201217 / Middle of the night / Home, in bed / Heard voice
(A musician who came to me to be crossed, came back a month later to tell me this message)
Listen: He (God) said to me: If you want to get ahead, you have to have forgiveness
20201210 / Middle of the night / Home, in bed / Heard voice
(Also included an image of a star that had come blindingly close to the Earth)
He (Christ) wants us (believers) to expect that good things will happen
20201207 / Middle of the night / Home, in bed / Heard voice
(Came after 'searching' prayers; also, an angel showed me how God will help believers maintain subsistence during the hard times to come)
Our spirits are on earth to obtain knowledge through trials and tribulations
that strengthen our spirits and draw us closer to God…
20201106 / Midnight / Cabin, in bed / Came in a thought
>Face toward God
>God is here with your spirit
>Everything you do should be focused on there (Heaven), not here (Earth)
20201019 / Middle of the night / Home, in bed / Latter two spoken by an Angel during an out-of-body experience
Cut me some firewood
20201001 / Morning / Home, in bed / Words in a thought
Struggling with shoulder pain, I asked God what I could do for relief
(God was absolutely right! Cutting firewood works just the right muscles for my shoulders!)
200924: Christ, our courage is You
Today is Day 1 of the Second Coming of Christ
20200825 / Morning / Home, in bed / Heard voice
(also heard the name, Alexander, and the year, 2023)
Handing out a book of God
20200728 / Middle of the night / RV in Montana, in bed / Heard voice
(also said , son of David, and had vision of me blessing doorways)
If you are going to call out, call out to Christ, and call out for mercy,
and you will be heard
20200724 / Daytime / RV, driving / Words in a thought
Watch out for the loudest mouths in these days to come,
for they have small hearts and a serpent’s tongue
20200716 / Daytime / Driving / Words in a thought
200709: Ignorance of the truth will not save you
God is in
20200427 / Mid morning / Work, desk / Came across my computer out of the blue
200320: Pandemic is not the end of the world
200119: Let Jesus take the wheel
In Jesus, the doors to the Heavens are open
20191214 / Evening / On investigation / Heard voice
Bullets won’t get you to Heaven
201909?? / Afternoon / At Walmart / Words in a thought
(I was standing about 30 feet from ammo counter with intent to buy)
You could heal them
20190826 / Middle of the Night / Home, in bed / Words in a dream
(Tempted by Satan; Jesus intervenes)
Bringing back the Lamb of God
201908?? / Middle of night / Home, in bed / Heard voice
Everything he does, he does for Jesus
20190726 / Late afternoon / Church, from a lone person / Potential angel?
(Paraphrased from a stranger's words)
190712: Forgive others as if they were Jesus; Treat others as if they were Jesus; Love others as if they were Jesus
190610: Unrepented and relentless use of the Lord’s name in vain is one of seven signs that you are living with your back to God
>Use the words from the Bible
>Crossing over is healing
20190527 / Early morning / On a paranormal investigation / Words in a thought
190417: Ready to receive God’s people
190315: I have loved you for all of my days
In the end, when all of the powerful people in the world fall to their knees in defeat, there will be those of us who will stand in the name of Jesus, and we will defeat our enemy, and earn what God has promised, eternal salvation
20190126 / Evening / Home, in bed / Words in a thought
Who am I to judge?
20180720 / Late afternoon / Church / Received words on paper from a stranger
Give Christ this day
20180720 / Late afternoon / Church pew, meditating in prayer / Heard voice
Jesus is the Truth
20180601 / Late afternoon / Church pew, meditating in prayer / Heard voice
No matter how deep, I will reach down and grab you
Spring 2018 / Bedtime / In bed / Words in a thought
(I asked Christ what would happened if I got into trouble when in the practice of casting out unclean spirits)
Links in red lead to full story / Links in green lead to video
NOTE: I am not saying I know from whom
but I am saying: These messages are real