Give Thanks & Praise   


10 Feb 2021

Twice this past week I have received Heavenly messages referring to ‘giving thanks’ to God.

1) ‘Thank Jesus, Anyways’ – which I interpreted as a reminder to say thanks for even the little things in our daily lives.

and 2) ‘The Lord doesn’t hear them say thank you’ – said by a boy who shared a simple yet vital message so that we may be shown mercy by our Lord.

Giving thanks and praise to God is an important way for us to acknowledge His existence and His role in our lives. When we don't express our gratitude, it is telling God we can live a better life without His love and guidance; and essentially, that we are better than Him.

And though it may be physically possible to live life this way…

At the end, your life will have felt meaningless. Without purpose. Without truth. Without joy. More than likely, the evil one will have manipulated your reality so bad that you ended up divided from loved ones and friends, and sin will have taken over your life.

This life is short. But the repercussions of our sins and our refusal to accept God doesn't end there!

Woes-be to the souls who pass on God in this life and are not forgiven for their sins—for they will transition into the afterlife to a place without God, for the eternity. While those who did believe will be in Paradise. I pray right now for those struggling.

Some might ask, what has God done for me? He sent his only son to earth to be crucified; to take away all of our sin so we could have forgiveness and a path to salvation, and that is only the tip of the iceberg.

God loves all of us. He is available to all of us. He wishes for all of us to join Him in Heaven. We need only to believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior to feel His grace and to receive His forgiveness.

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life…no one comes to the father except through me” (John 14:6).

Giving thanks to God is not always for ‘after’ something good happens in our lives. Giving thanks is also a way to request from God.

Prior to Jesus bringing Lazarus back from the dead, he looked up and said to his Father; I thank you that you have heard me (John 11:41).

But to make it happen, Jesus also needed Martha, Lazarus’ sister, to believe it was possible. Jesus said to her: Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God (John 11:40).

In conclusion: I urge you to accept God into your life. To believe in Jesus Christ. To forgive others. To confess and repent. It will open doors.

And give thanks and praise to the Lord our God daily.

I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds (Psalm 9:1).
