13 May 2024
Are you afraid of me
I woke Saturday to a voice that said: Are you afraid of me?
I replied: I only fear the Lord God, so if you are Him, than I do. If you are not, I can tell you that there is no one or nothing else that I fear. That is all that was said.
I am surprised with how many conversations I have had recently with people suffering from fear-based issues. Fear has increased dramatically in our society in recent years. It can get you so messed up that you don't even want to leave the house-I have had a handful of clients tell me that. I ask them to work on strengthening their foundations. Not only physically, like kicking off your shoes and socks and walking around in the grass barefoot, or taking long walks in nature, but also spiritually.
I have known very few who can maintain a strong spiritual foundation unless it is through our Lord. Even many who feel they are Christians find themselves spiritually weak at times. I go through my ups and downs weekly. Here are a few tools to help you heal and maintain a strong foundation:
* Remove items from your house that don't bring you peace. It is common for my team to go through a home and find items related to the occult, false idols, items that were given to you but you always felt uncomfortable having them, items from old relationships that failed, etc.
* Meditate - find a verse in the New Testament of the Bible that stands out to you and spend 15 minutes relaxing and thinking about how that verse fits into your life.
* Confess to clergy anything that is getting you down and your sins...no matter how embarrassing or how long ago. It is important that we get that dark energy off our hearts by handing it over to clergy. And you do not need to go to 'your' clergy. You can make an appointment with clergy in a neighboring town if you are more comfortable with that. The clergy in turn will help you hand those sins over to God so your load is lightened
* Repent: Stop or make continued attempts to stop your sins and addictions.
* Forgive - daily. Work on forgiveness no matter how bad the pain or how small a squabble it might have been
* Read from the Bible 3 times a week. It doesn't have to be a lot. I shoot for 7 minutes but usually go longer.
* Say an Our Father every night (or more. I am just laying out base line examples)
* Receive Communion at least monthly
* Pray for others, yes, but always include prayers for yourself as well. The stronger your spiritual fitness; the stronger your prayers for others will be.
* Ask the Saints and your Guardian Angels to pray with you
* Concern yourself with today. Wake up and ask God to get you through today. Don't worry about tomorrow. You can ask God to help you with tomorrow when tomorrow morning comes. When you worry, you are telling the Lord that you do not trust him.
* Which leads us to: Trust the Lord. This one should really be at the very top. If you do not trust that the Lord has a good plan for you; you in sense are denying his love and protections. You have to absolutely trust that God has the best plan for you, and he feeds us that love through his son, Jesus Christ.